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For Christmas I wanted to do something a little different. I wanted to bring a little science to our yearly ornament making. So this year I created a new Science Christmas Ornament Project that uses ...
It is always just as important to understand why something happens before you try to prevent it from happening! Pumpkins have a high water content, as soon as they are harvested, they begin to lose ...
If you’re looking for a fun Halloween Project that combines science, art and a little math, but also is hands on to build dexterity and fine motor skills, try a Halloween Salt Dough Project! Not only ...
Disclaimer: This article may contain commission or affiliate links. As an Amazon Influencer I earn from qualifying purchases. Not seeing our videos? Turn off any adblockers to ensure our video feed ...
Shadow puppets have been around for centuries. It is believed by many that shadow puppetry originated in China over 2000 years ago during the Han Dynasty (140 – 87 BCE). The emperor Han Wudi was ...
Disclaimer: This article may contain commission or affiliate links. As an Amazon Influencer I earn from qualifying purchases. Not seeing our videos? Turn off any adblockers to ensure our video feed ...
Light Refraction, it might sound like a big scary term, but today’s experiment is basically about rainbows! Who doesn’t love a rainbow experiment? These simple experiments are perfect for your ...
Who isn’t struck by a sense of awe at the magical site of a rainbow appearing in the sky? Kids love anything to do with rainbows, and learning all the rainbow colours. And that moment when a colorful ...