It's not a bad thing if you pick a toasted bagel for breakfast, while your partner chooses eggs. In fact that difference could help you lose some weight.
Unearthing new LEDs, solar cells, and photodetectors requires extensive knowledge surrounding the optical properties of materials. Calculating these takes time and resources. Yet researchers unveiled ...
A blood test, performed when metastatic prostate cancer is first diagnosed, can predict which patients are likely to respond to treatment and survive the longest. It can help providers decide which ...
Over the past decade, decreasing vaccination rates now threaten the huge beneficial impacts of vaccinations in the U.S. and globally. Researchers discuss the multifactorial barriers including ...
Utilizing one of the longest-running ecosystem experiments in the Arctic, researchers have developed a better understanding of the interplay among plants, microbes and soil nutrients -- findings that ...
In lab experiments, bacteria transferred plasmids with AMR genes in the presence of zinc at reduced or nonexistent rates. Stopping the transfer without killing microbes may help reduce AMR without ...
Global warming could increase the threat posed to whale sharks from large ships, according to a new study. Global warming could increase the threat posed to whale sharks from large ships, according to ...
Doctors have long believed the cancer drug 5-fluorouracil works by damaging the building blocks of DNA, but researchers have now found that in certain cancers, it kills cells by interfering with RNA ...
Researchers have developed a novel method using facet-selective, ultrafine cocatalysts to efficiently split water to create hydrogen -- a clean source of fuel.
Researchers conclude that commonly used ways of positioning the patient's arm during blood pressure (BP) screenings can substantially overestimate test results and may lead to a misdiagnosis of ...
Benthic diatoms are the most important and biodiverse primary producers in streams and comprise the basis for the food webs, fueling animals such as insects and stream fishes including trout.
Fatty liver disease is a growing global health concern. Proglucagon-derived peptides (PGDPs), including glucagon, GLP-1, and GLP-2, are known to regulate lipid metabolism in the liver. However, the ...