The Lords Spiritual (Women) Act 2015 (Extension) Bill aims to increase the number of women bishops in the Lords by extending ...
Members of the House of Lords begin their detailed examination of Crown Estate Bill, in committee stage on Monday 14 October.
Members conclude examination of draft law to refine status of the CPA and the International Committee of the Red Cross.
The 1922 Committee, also known as "the 22", is a committee of all backbench Conservative MPs that meets weekly when the Commons is sitting. Its chair, usually a senior MP, is elected by committee ...
The ceremony today begins with an announcement, on behalf of the King, read in the House of Lords by the Leader of the House. The announcement states, ‘My Lords, it not being convenient for His ...
The average age at which women have children has been increasing since the middle of the 1970s. There is a tendency to think of this as a modern phenomenon associated with the rise of family planning, ...
The Speaker’s House epitomises the status of the Speaker. It always was the grandest residence in the New Palace of Westminster and is the only one to survive in anything like its original form. The ...
The Commons Chamber looks very different to that of the Lords. The current Chamber was rebuilt after the Blitz by the architect Sir Giles Gilbert Scott in relatively austere style (although it was ...
The Recording Angel memorial in St Stephen's Porch, Westminster Hall, is dedicated to Peers, MPs, officers and their sons. This memorial is the main memorial to Members and staff of both Houses, ...
In 1820 the merchants of Britain's largest trading cities - London, Manchester and Glasgow - petitioned the House of Commons for the abolition of all duties, in other words, for 'free trade'. It led ...
Devolution in the UK has created a national Parliament in Scotland, a Welsh Parliament - or Senedd Cymru - and a national Assembly in Northern Ireland. This process transfers varying levels of power ...
In medieval times farming was based on large fields, known as open fields, in which individual yeomen or tenant farmers cultivated scattered strips of land. From as early as the 12th century, however, ...