Rob Hodson from Electronic Arts via Twitter said that FIFA 14 on PC will not be based on the recently discovered engine Ignite. Specifically, Ignite remains reserved exclusively for the Xbox and ...
Although Tumblr is often derisively described as a heaven for hipsters and misunderstood teenagers, it does not change the fact that it is one of the largest blog services that exist. Tumblr now has ...
In the legal world there are always interesting things going on. This is even more true when you talk about the massive number of law suits that are brought against technology companies on a daily ...
According to the data available from Sony's technical documents, as well as expert analysis, Sony PS4 console will not allow developers to access all of 8 GB of RAM console has. Specifically, ...
The sales numbers are out for “PC” shipments from both IDC and Gartner. The two fortunetelling firms differ on many numbers but both agree that the shipments of PCs (yes from Apple too) have declined ...
In infrastructure design there used to be a philosophy of putting components in silos (segmenting them). This was not really done for security, but more to limit impacts across an organization or ...
Since the introduction of Apple’s iADs Apple has been pushing for more efficient ways to track user habits to attract advertising money. In fact during the introduction of iADs Steve Jobs noted that ...
Over the past few years the Chinese telecom equipment maker Huawei has been constantly working under pressure from the United States. The company was repeatedly accused of Internet espionage for ...
After the breaches and issues with passwords we saw last week we were not surprised to see the creator of a popular password hashing application md5crypt() come out and recommend against using this ...
For those of you that are old enough to remember the birth of the AMD Athlon CPU then you might also remember that AMD picked up quite a bit of the technology from a company called DEC. DEC had a CPU ...
Today Anandtech had an announcement from Intel about a reduction to their desktop motherboard business with a ramp down planned over the next three years. This means that Intel will begin to bow out ...