Perkins, along with CT’s the world over, makes assertions about the “covenant of grace” that the Bible claims are about the ...
“In the United States, abortion accounts for roughly one-third of all annual deaths. The figure among African Americans reportedly exceeds 60% of total deaths [per Breitbart].” - C.Post ...
“…a new report from Grey Matter Research and Infinity Concepts. According to the report, evangelicals’ financial generosity is down in every metric measured in a similar survey conducted three years ...
“Truscott followed up on [his study] findings by examining similar data from the Public Religion Research Institute and reported the results in a paper in the Journal of Sociology and Christianity in ...
“Each of these years taught me a painful but valuable lesson: life is unpredictable…. this year, instead of setting specific goals, I’m focusing on something more foundational: habits and consistency.
New studies have proven that alcohol is carcinogenic. The WHO has listed it as carcinogenic, but the U.S. agencies refuse to take that step. A warning label is quite appropriate. It is almost criminal ...