A renovated Africa Hall is an important investment that positions Ethiopia for greater tourism growth given its pan-African ...
With the inclusion of five new members, the BRICS summit emphasises the importance of multilateralism, providing African ...
የካፍ ጉባዔ መክፈቻ ላይ ተገኝተው ንግግር ያደረጉት የኢትዮጵያ ፕሬዝዳንት ታዬ አጽቀስላሴ፤ ኢትዮጵያ በአፍሪካ እግር ኳስ ያላትን ታሪካዊ ድርሻ ከግምት በማስገባት በፈረንጆቹ በ2029 የሚካሄደውን ...
The newly acquired mining facility will provide BitFuFu with the potential to add 4.6 EH/s mining capacity with the ...