The fictional movie, set in the 1950s and '60s, centers around architect László Tóth (Adrien Brody), a Hungarian immigrant to ...
"The Brutalist" will be released nationwide next week. The film tells the story of an architect who survives the Holocaust ...
Bauhaus architects like Walter Gropius and Mies van der Rohe fled Nazi Germany, but not all of them went to the US.
The further “The Brutalist” progresses along its 215-minute track, the more evident it becomes that co-writer/director Brady ...
For anyone involved in architecture, it's no surprise that a film focusing on a visionary architect and his profession ...
Inspired by the Oscar-nominated film The Brutalist, First Choice highlights architectural travel itineraries worldwide, from ...
Some have criticized filmmakers for using AI to alter the dialogue of Adrien Brody and Felicity Jones.
Director Brady Corbet ’s The Brutalist is a stunning cinematic achievement. From the moment the film begins, it exudes a ...
Adrien Brody plays a visionary Holocaust survivor in the Oscar-tipped epic. But who were the real-life inspirations for his ...
With the 10-time Academy Award nominated film, The Brutalist, debuting on big screens over the weekend, First Choice has ...
Adrien Brody and Felicity Jones’ award-winning historical epic from director Brady Corbet is playing in theaters. When will ...