Elias Khoury (1948-2024).
In the still hollow steel structure, ‘il condominio’, as the central body is called, had been assembled. With overlapping ...
Iran and escalation.
Belgium is not a country prone to breaking world records. This summer, the nation’s athletes took home a sum-total of ten Olympic medals, while its most striking star performance in the last decade ...
In his wonderful short text ‘Notes of a Publicist’—written in February 1922 when the Bolsheviks, after winning the Civil War against all odds, had to retreat into the New Economic Policy of allowing a ...
In State and Revolution, Lenin quotes and then comments on a passage in Marx’s Critique of the Gotha Programme as follows: ‘“Equal right” [of everyone to an equal product of labour] we certainly do ...
The long route from the informal shop-floor democracy of the first Briggs strike to the boardroom wheeling-dealing of the 1950 settlement, and the corresponding dilution and displacement of rank and ...
Zarathustra once ran into an old hermit so completely isolated from the world that he had not yet heard the news, namely that God was dead. One does not accuse Alain Badiou of such isolation; yet in ...