According to the channel, Israel is not currently participating in this initiative. Meanwhile, senior Israeli officials have ...
"The rockers are leaving as a team of 14 people. They only ask for a five—star hotel - always with a gym, a swimming pool and ...
"Full f **k" — this is how he described the situation at the front for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. October 9th, 2024.
He published in his telegram channel an appeal from the daughter of one of the servicemen, who asks to find her father.
According to a study by the Federal Statistical Agency of Germany, by the end of the first half of 2024, almost 730 thousand ...
The operation to return the bodies of the Wagner PMC fighters, who in July 2024 took part in a battle with Islamists many ...
It is reported that the share of Belarusian mineral fertilizers (nitrogen, potash and combined) in the Polish market in ...
An earthquake of magnitude 4.4 on the Richter scale was recorded in the desert of the Iranian province of Semnan on October 5 ...
As is known, Russian fighters have the most far-sighted Irbis-E radar, detecting targets of the F—16V Block 70 type at a ...
This information was reported today, on October 8, by the Ukrainian special service, confirming that Chisinau had given them ...
According to Glagola, the incident occurred back in September 2024, but he only found out about it now. October 8th, 2024.
"We have stopped monitoring this topic since the President [of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin] said what we would do, ...