A highly anticipated anime adaptation of a popular Shone Jump series will be making its way onto Netflix and Crunchyroll.
Not only has Crunchyroll released a list of which anime franchises have been affected due to the United States cold snap but ...
Honey Lemon Soda has been airing since January 9 in Japan and on Crunchyroll. The streaming service will debut the dubbed ...
If you're entrenched in the anime fandom, it probably feels as though isekai has had a lock on the anime industry for a ...
From currently airing romance series to shonen classics and isekai masterpieces, here are the best anime that can be streamed ...
Crunchyroll may have already recently featured two different anime that blend isekai and reverse isekai together, but a new ...
Canadian telco Telus has announced that anime enthusiasts can now enjoy Crunchyroll, the premier destination for streaming ...
It was recently revealed that a piracy website has received more visitors than major streaming networks in the United States.
Although details are currently sparse, it's known that Crunchyroll Manga will be launched as a premium add-on that will allow ...
Crunchyroll announced a new anime series adapted from Sucker Punch Productions’ popular “Ghost of Tsushima” video game.
A Ghost of Tsushima anime is officially in the works at Crunchyroll, with the series already in production and a release date window set for the series. What do we know about the Ghost of Tsushima ...
The Guilty Gear Strive anime Dual Riders is heading to Crunchyroll starting this April. It will involve a conflict revolving ...