Outdoor gear that improve any adventure in nature.
Backpacking in the snowy season doesn’t need to be an ordeal. We polled our colleagues to find out their best gear tips for ...
Outdoor Gear Exchange is closing its store in Essex on Feb. 17 to refocus all of its energy and resources on its flagship store on Church Street in downtown Burlington, according to co-owner Marc ...
Hikers, skiers, snowboarders, snowshoers and skaters need the right equipment and winter apparel to perform. No matter your sport of choice, this list has the outdoor gear tailored to your winter ...
IF YOU'RE IN need of some reliable outdoor gear to get you through the harshness of winter, let us sound the alarm that Patagonia has just refreshed its Web Specials section. The iconic brand ...
Serious hunters, avid hikers, and hardcore outdoor adventurers understand that having top-notch gear can be a game-changer when following our favorite pursuits. American-made products have a history ...
BURLINGTON, Vt. (WCAX) - A longtime Burlington retailer is reversing course, recommitting to its Church Street anchor store. Outdoor Gear Exchange on Wednesday said that after concerns about crime ...
ONLY A FEW short decades ago, camping was a whole different animal. Most campers looking to "rough it" hoofed it into the ...
Most city dwellers get tired of the noise they hear every day. To escape it, they go to nature, pitch a tent in a quiet, ...
However, they’ve long been used in outdoor gear, as they help with waterproofing and other resistances. Luckily, many brands have been moving away from them (like Nemo with its Osmo fabric). But this ...
We’ve got you covered with the best camping gear for babies. Whether it’s a cozy portable crib, a compact high chair, or a durable baby carrier, we’ll guide you through the essentials to ...