Outdoor gear that improve any adventure in nature.
Serious hunters, avid hikers, and hardcore outdoor adventurers understand that having top-notch gear can be a game-changer when following our favorite pursuits. American-made products have a history ...
Most city dwellers get tired of the noise they hear every day. To escape it, they go to nature, pitch a tent in a quiet, ...
For decades, people have relied on one name to keep moisture out and their style locked in: Gore-Tex. The accidental ...
Lancaster is Outdoor Life’s gear staff writer where she focuses on in-depth testing of backpacking and camping gear, with a particular interest in lightweight and ultralight gear. She lives in the ...
Camping axes are all designed to do one thing: make wood smaller. Whether they do it by felling a tree, delimbing, splitting, or shaping, an ax needs to efficiently break down wood. As someone who ...
Derek Horner is the manager of audience development for Outdoor Life where he manages OL’s social accounts and email campaigns, and shares our stories with the world. He was born and raised in central ...
Campfires are the heart of any camping trip. They provide warmth, light, and a cozy gathering spot for sharing stories, ...
What are the best outdoor string lights overall? Out of all the options we tested, our favorite outdoor string light is the Enbrighten classic LED cafe light. The bulbs themselves feel robust and ...
Outdoor pizza ovens are generally easy to use and maintain—with the right gear, that is. You’ll need the best pizza oven ...