“It’s such a lovely thing” when people recognize him as Mr. Floop, the actor also told 'Vanity Fair ... including his dastardly Fegan Floop from the Spy Kids movies.
Of all the gadgets to cop from the Spy Kids set, Alan Cumming went with furniture — namely, a sofa that belonged to his character, Fegan Floop. For the latest edition of Vanity Fair 's "Scene ...
When their former colleagues, the world's most formidable spies, start disappearing one by one, the Cortez's are forced to take on techno-wizard Fegan Floop and his evil, egg-headed sidekick ...
Of all the gadgets to cop from the Spy Kids set, Alan Cumming went with furniture — namely, a sofa that belonged to his character, Fegan Floop. Related: Alan Cumming says couples 'always' ask ...