State Rep. Ellen Troxclair cited mental health issues related to social media as her motivation for filing the bill.
HISD was rocked by the news that the state was taking over the school district two years ago. Here's where things stand now.
Dallas-Fort Worth experienced the third largest population gain among metropolitan areas last year, according to new ...
The Keller school district has abandoned plans to split the district, citing high costs of dividing district debt. The Keller ...
Gov. Greg Abbott highlighted support for school choice and parental rights at a Texas Pastor Council briefing in Austin. The state also has launched an investigation ...
The rebuke from lawmakers and charter school leaders came after an investigation from ProPublica and The Texas Tribune ...
The mass layoffs, which halved the U.S. Education Department's workforce, resulted in dozens of Texas-based employees to lose ...
Texans who fall behind on property taxes face one of nation's most punitive systems, where private companies can tack up to ...
A handful of school districts in Texas will play organized flag football for girls this spring. That includes 13 schools in ...