In an exclusive interview with India Today, spiritual leader Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev shared insights on the significance of Maha Kumbh in Prayagraj, Moksha, Naga Sadhus and more.
In an exclusive interview with India Today's Akshita Nandagopal, spiritual leader Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev shared insights on ...
He praised the scale and quality of the facilities provided at the Kumbh, calling the event’s organisation “remarkable” and “meticulously conducted” Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev, the founder ...
In a thought-provoking conversation with India Today TV, spiritual leader Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev shared his deep insights into the Maha Kumbh in Prayagraj, emphasising its unparalleled importance ...
NEW DELHI: Spiritual leader Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev has welcomed the United Nations ... a very significant day for inner exploration in many cultures across the world. Congratulating the UN ...