Clearly, gamma-rays have woven their way through the lore of the Marvel Universe in comics, movies, cartoons, and video games, but when Stan Lee and Jack Kirby created the Hulk back in 1962's The ...
Brave New World' is built around Sam Wilson's battle with the Red Hulk. How powerful is the crimson colossus in the comics?
Banner is able to chip away some damage with his Gamma Ray Gun. Here is a breakdown of each normal attack. The Hulk has many abilities of a strong Vanguard. Players first have to get him into Hulk ...
Brave New World gives lots of attention to the fiery effects of the Red Hulk transformation, but never properly explains it.
Gamma radiation has been to blame for the creation of multiple heroes and villains in the MCU, forming similar effects ... rays" with gamma radiation. This differs significantly from Hulk's ...